Cheap Holiday Thrills

First of all, I know this isn’t a “YA topic” but at least it’s a library topic, so ease up on the judgements, Scroogmeister! Moving on…

Figure 1. (click to enlarge)

The faculty of architecture and engineering are having their annual Christmas party in the campus lounge this weekend. On my way to work I saw them setting up the usual gaudy X-mas trinketry, in mid-scoff I was silenced by the presence of Santa’s Chimnery Maze (See figure 1). I’m an adult (legally and in apperance) but I definately wanted to give it it a go… I’m a skinny Man so I could have fit, unfortunately I didn’t have the 20$ one of the decorators claimed was the price for adults. I briefly toyed witht he idea of pushing him down and escaping into the maze, but remembered certain legal expectations of being an adult and decided just to take some pics and be on my way.

I know lots of libraries, especially public ones, are strapped for cash these days… hence the lack of available positions for helpful, hansdome young librarians to be hired as either a Reference, YA/Teen Services, and/or Children’s Services Public Librarian. Okay, once again: Moving on…

All this set up takes is a bit of art skill, a skill commmonly present amongst library staff, to make the fireplace. Alternatively, you can also have teens paint one up as an arts activity during a teen drop-in, that way it’s still a surprise for the wee ones and you’ve helped involve other members of the library community who might otherwise choose to scoff at the X-Mas festivities. With a chimney entrance established you will now  need  a whole wack of cardboard boxes. Check Supermarkets, big box stores, Liquor stores, etc. for your supplies. Usually if you ask someone they will be polite about directing you to where the cache of carboard recycling is. However, if someone is being a jerk about giving you some boxes look around for cardboard only recycling dumspters There’s no shame in dumpster diving, especially when it’s for the children. Which reminds me. Do I need to remind folks only to take cardboard that isn’t soggy or soiled? I sure hope not.

Figure 2. (click to enlarge)

As you can see from Figure 2. you should add some holes for light to get in and to increase the flow of oxygen into  hyperventilating little lungs. You can also add a few chimneys here and there for the kids to stand up in… does the game whack-a-mole come to your mind too? Haha, juuuust jokin’ 🙂 Finally, tape up all the seams and you’re done!

This whole setup took place in a space that is approximately 10ft square and they still managed to fit in three branches of the maze to crawl through, two of which led to dead ends…. hence the maze aspect. For being a low cost, high entertainment value idea I think this is Holiday Gold for libraries.

Season’s Greetings Y’all! Keep warm, hug a loved one.

2 responses to “Cheap Holiday Thrills

  1. LOVE this! (looking around for boxes)

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